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Re: Off Topic - War

To: "Michael Hargreave Mawson" <OC@46thFoot.com>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Off Topic - War
From: "John and Chris" <peacox1@bellsouth.net>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 09:19:08 -0400
OK I have to say something here.  These men did not do this because they
think it is there only choice.  They did it because we do not believe the
same thing they do.  They think it is glorious to die in the act of such
horrible acts.  Their religious beliefs are hard to understand.  All I know
is that in my religion, murder and suicide mean you go to HELL!!

Now as far as how you feel about our president, and government.  This is the
reason they attacked.  With your thoughts on our government, If you had
their religious beliefs, you might have done the same thing.

I know I am angry.  I know many Americans are angry.  We, as a whole, I
think, want someone's head on a platter.  We definitely want the correct
responsible party, but we want them taken out.  And anyone helping them
hide.  The reason I say this is because if you find them, arrest them, put
them on trial, you will cause more grief.  The rest of the group will
retaliate because they do not think they did anything wrong.  Why is America
putting arresting these people, they did nothing wrong.  Just look at all
those people over there dancing in the streets in joy.  They are brought up
with these beliefs.  It is a scary thought that people with these beliefs
have nuclear and chemical weapons.

Now I also believe that if the US would keep there nose out of other peoples
business, this would not have happened.  I don't like the thought of sending
our people to die for someone else's cause.  Now that is not right.

Just had to vent.

Proud to be an American, despite some of the choices of the government.

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