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Early Mark II found

To: "Spitfire List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Early Mark II found
From: "Luke Lewis" <lukage@home.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 21:25:58 -0400
Greetings all:

Just thought I'd let you all know about a car that I looked at yesterday, in
case anyone was interested.  I had been told that it was "Probably a '71
like yours" but NOPE...

The car is likely an early Mark II (Engine number was FC57something....) but
it is in such a decrepit state that it's hard to tell.  It is thoroughly
rusted out underneath , but it has a complete engine (It seems siezed) and
driveline, and the suspension is all ... there.  The interior is destroyed
from years of outdoor Canadian storage, the seats are missing altogether,
and the battery has fallen through to the ground.  (Things to avoid when
buying a Spit!)

The car is for sale, only as a 'complete' vehicle, and the guy is hoping
(unrealistically, as I have already told him) to get $500 Canadian for it.

NFI, but I have told him that I will give his number to anyone who wants it.
The car is located near Dutton, Ontario, which is 30 min. west of London on
the 401 (1.5 hours from Detroit)

London, Ont. Canada

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