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Intake for carb...

To: "Spitfire (E-mail)" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Intake for carb...
From: Ronny Hortlund <ronny.hortlund@allset.se>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 17:41:13 +0200
Hi all,
As some might know, I'm trying to exchange my Stromberg for Dual SU's.
I have another question:
I have an engine for a Triumph 1300 (1296cc) from -65 (RD8468E) and having
trouble locating an intake. Would an intake from a spitfire fit?
If so, what models will fit?
And additionally, which SU should I use with that intake?
Something completely different: I just recieved my Volvo stereo (mono) and
it's a beauty. Near mint condition.
Thanks for help I've gotten so far.
Spit '63

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