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Re: Spitfire timing

To: Houghtaling <oldtoys@brick.net>
Subject: Re: Spitfire timing
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 21:44:48 -0700
There are no marks, save the pointer and the hole that indicates top dead 
center.  You should have a vernier adjuster on your distributor and moving
the knob will advance or retard the timing.

The recommended timing for a Mk1 or Mk2 Spit is 13 degrees BTDC.  Adjust as 
1. Rotate the Vernier adjuster knob counterclockwise until it won't turn 
2. Position the crankshaft so that the front cylinder is at TDC and ready to 
fire. (The pointer on the timing chain cover will be lined up with the
timing mark on the pulley)
3. Rotate the distributor body clockwise until the points just begin to open 
(make sure the rotor is pointing to the #1 piston) A test lamp is helpful
for this operation.
4. Tighten the distributor clamp to lock the distributor in place.
5. Rotate the vernier adjuster knob until you achieve 13 degrees of advance 
(each click of the adjustment knob is equal to 1 degree of advance)

That's it!


Houghtaling wrote:
> List Members,
> I have a 63 Spitfire that I am trying to figure out how to set the timing
> on.  First, I can't find any timing marks.  I see one small hole in the fly
> wheel.  Is this it?  There are no other scale marks on the fly wheel and
> only one pointer hanging off the timing chain cover.  Am I missing something
> here?  My Haynes manual says the timing should be 170 BTDC.  But they don't
> say what to do if I can't find any scale marks.  Any help would be
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Creig Houghtaling
> 63 Spitfire
> Fenton, MO
> St. Louis Triumph Owners Association
> www.sltoa.org

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