I would not expect vacuum advance (or lack of) to cause high speed/high rpm
This isn't the range that the range that the vacuum advance works in. This is
arena of the centrifugal advance.
But, if your vacuum advance is hooked up and broken, or simply flapping around
lose, you could have a problem with it. Paul Tegler has a usefull sub-web page
on the configuration and plumbing of various distributors that might help you
eliminate the potential for the vacuum advance being a contributor to the
My 1980 runs quite sweetly without any vacuum advance.
>>> Andre Rousseau <andrer@mac.com> 08/21 8:38 AM >>>
Last night I was doing some tests.
I just replaced my generator with an Alternator.
New plugs, wires, points and so on.
But I still have a problem at high speed.
Over 120km/h the motor hesitates when I give it full power.
My vacuum advance is not working at this time, could this be the source of
my problem or is this a sign that I need to retune my carbs?
I don9t really need to go over 120, but feel the car should be able to. :)
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