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Stromberg problems

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Stromberg problems
From: SMatson802@aol.com
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 10:52:27 EDT
'71 with single stromberg has been stumbling, hesitating on acceleration etc. 
 I took the top off the carb to check the rubber diaphragm.  it was fine.  
looked at the rest of it and no apparent problems.  Put it back together and 
it starts but won't go faster than idle (not Eric).  When opening pulling the 
throttle cable, I can see that the cylindar is not rising.  If I hold the 
throttle open and manuall lift the cylindar, the revs come right up.  I have 
determined that will be a bit awkward while driving.
Any suggestions as to why the thing is doing this to me after all of my 
devotion and care?
Steve Matson
PS I need to do something fairly quickly as this is my daily driver.

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