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Extremely late notice... ATDI in Vancouver

To: "Tr7" <tr8@mercury.lcs.mit.edu>, "Triumph"
Subject: Extremely late notice... ATDI in Vancouver
From: "Huw Upshall" <hupshall@triumphcars.com>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 23:10:14 -0700
Very late notice but what the heck.

Anybody going up tomorrow morning from seattle?  Reply to me offline
I'm either looking for:

a) somebody to just go with OR
b) a little car convoy to join


 Huw Upshall
                               home: hupshall@triumphcars.com
                               work: hupshall@microsoft.com

                        http:        www.triumphcars.com

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