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Re: Another DOT5 brake fluid data point

To: George Parker <ygpz4re@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Another DOT5 brake fluid data point
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2001 08:22:36 -0700
George brings up a good point.  DOT5 fluid does tend to emulsify air bubbles 
more so than other types.  And as he states, if the can has been shaken
and the micro bubbles are present, letting the car (or can) sit a while to let 
the air bubbles come to the surface will cure the bleeding woes!


George Parker wrote:
> Ok, guy and gals, I'm not trying to fan the fire or anything.  Just want to
> share my experience.
> Back in '88 or '89 (I'd have to check my records to be sure), I did a
> complete rebuild of the brake system on my '78 1500.  New master, rebuilt
> calipers, new rear cylinders, new hoses all around.  I put the GE DOT5
> silicone fluid in and in the bleeding process, could never seem to get the
> bubbles to stop.  I finally let the car sit for about a month and went back
> to re-bleed.  At each wheel, one big bubble came out and then solid fluid.
> Rock hard pedal (still) and I haven't touched it since.  Never needed to
> re-bleed or add fluid.  And they have been put to the test (just a few years
> ago - when they still hadn't been touched since the rebuild) when I came
> around a bend at a pretty good clip and found a mail delivery vehicle coming
> at me in my lane.  Practically stood that Spitfire on its nose, but she
> stopped like there's no tomorrow (and never locked a wheel, either!)!  I
> probably have more confidence in the brakes on that car than anything else.
> And that's a very good thing.
> George P.
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