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Anyone have a bonnet?

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Anyone have a bonnet?
From: "Mike Chambers" <mikech@sprynet.com>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 16:43:44 -0600
Well some moron in a Ford F350 just backed into my Spitfire at a stoplight.
I saw the reverse lights come on and thought to myself "He's not going to
back up, is he?" Yep, no time for me to react.  Claimed he looked but did
not see me. Hood is totaled, fan skimmed the radiator, but I think
everything else is OK. He hit high enough that the hood hinges were not
touched. Radiator moved back into position when I opened the hood.  I was
able to drive it home but its not pretty.  So does anyone in the Utah area
have a good undamaged Mk1 or Mk2 bonnet they can part with?  Luckily he had
MikeC (depressed)

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