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Re: Rubber vs. Poly

To: BrYarboro@aol.com, Spitfires mailing list <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Rubber vs. Poly
From: John Hobson <goalie_john@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 11:08:19 +0100 (BST)
I had poly bushes fitted to the rear on my '77 Spit to replace the tired
rubber ones.  I had new shocks put in at the same time (as well as a new
diff, the main reason for the back end overhaul).  The difference with
the poly bushes was amazing!  Cornering was much more stable than
previously.  I have not found that the ride was not that much harder than
with the rubber bushes, certainly not by any particularly noticable

Poly bushes also have the added bonus of lasting much, much longer than
rubber as they don't perish.  I would strongly recommend opting for poly
bushes as there isn't too much price difference between the two, I'm
certainly glad that I did.  I believe that I have seen somewhere that you
can get differnt grades of poly bush stiffness, although I'm not sure on
this one.  I just got the standard ones that Rimmers do.

Hope this helps,

BrYarboro@aol.com wrote:

Hi Y'all
Thanks Terry and Joe. I'm  not sure about rubber vs. poly bushing. It 
to the poly is way stiffer, with rougher ride, but with improved 
shile rubbver is softer, but still with a pretty good ride. Maybe I'll 
rubber for now, and fit poly when I do the entire car (now I'm redoing 
and rear suspensions and replacing the ssteering rack). If there's any 
further input from the list about rubber & poly, let me know.

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