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Re: Doughnuts anyone

To: dean_rayner@mac.com
Subject: Re: Doughnuts anyone
From: Barry Schwartz <bschwart@pacbell.net>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 06:31:25 -0700
>One of my rotoflex donuts has started to fall appart.  
>One of the bolts has started to pull free from the rubber.  How long will
this last??
I'm not sure *exactly* what you mean.  The bolts go through metal plates
that are bonded to the rubber.  If you mean that the rubber is separating
from the plate this can be a bad thing depending upon how sever this
separation is.  If you see a complete tear of the bond of more than a third
of the plate/rubber joint(s) then it's time to replace the joint SOON.  If
however, there is only superficial cracks then you can probably drive for
several thousand miles before considering a replacement. 
Sorry but replacement is not a job for the faint hearted.  The job REQUIRES
removal of the complete axle assy from the car.  Then it requires a
complete disassembly of this axle (puller required for separating the hub)
to get the doughnuts out and replaced.  Also, if your are contemplating
replacing the hub bearings since your disassembling the hubs,  you will
need some special tools to set the bearing pre loading and most likely an
assortment of shims as well. . .BTDT
After replacing the rear spring in my GT6 this weekend, and examining the
ten year old doughnuts on mine, I had to make the same determination.  On
mine, the cracks have just started and don't appear to be that severe.
Since I only drive this car about once a week I'll just keep an eye on it
till they start getting much worse. Of course then It will be replacement
time, not a job I'll be looking forward to.  The spring replacement was job
enough for now.

Barry Schwartz (San Diego) bschwart@pacbell.net

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