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Re: Lightest Car?

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Lightest Car?
From: Terry Thompson <firespiter@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 18:02:18 -0700 (PDT)
Super Cars dot net has a sortable database that lets
you search vehicle weights. Click on WEIGHTS on the
main page.


The supercars dot net web page isn't all inclusive of
every car every made and a good portion of the
vehicles listed are concepts or non-US production
cars. But I'm pretty sure that the Lotus Elan and the
Porsche 550 spyder were exported to the US at some
point. Before they started adding concepts and
one-offs. Spitfires had 2 of the top 10 positions (MK
1 and MK 2 had individual spots). 

Now, maybe the Spitfire, Lotus Elan and Porsche 550
were never approved by the automotive safety
administration or whatever that thing is?

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