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Re: exhaust manifolds and list archives

To: <jgruber@demainsoft.com>
Subject: Re: exhaust manifolds and list archives
From: "Nolan Penney" <npenney@mde.state.md.us>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 09:30:57 -0500
Bolting up to the head is no problem.

Might have a little problem with interference of the carburetor, but I doubt 
it.  A file solves any of these problems.

But you do have problems fitting up to the exhaust pipe I believe.  The 77 
(California or Federal) exhaust had a catalytic converter.  The 75 (non 
California) did not.  The mating gasket is different, and you would need the 
front of your exhaust modified to fit up to the 75.  You could keep the 
catalytic converter, but it would involve a fair bit of work.   

If the 75 is a California type, then it's identical and a direct bolt in 

All this is based on my looking at the  Vicky Brit catalog and comparing parts 
numbers.  I have no first hand experience with this one.

>>> Jeff Gruber <jgruber@demainsoft.com> 03/27 8:49 AM >>>

I wonder if a 75 manifold will fit a 77.

My spit was originally sold in california.

Does anyone have any opinions on the advisability of putting a 75 on a 77?

At 11:28 PM 3/26/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Jeff, I have a nice used manifold that I took off of my 75 that I will sell
>for $50.00 plus shipping. It is not cracked, I took it off to put on a
>header, and dual SUs. Please let me know. Thanks,
>                              John

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