> Another fun non-auto blinding device is those temporary construction warning
> barricade arrows- the ones which light up and serve to show the traffic a
> moving arrow... They have built in, two settings- bright for day, and dim
> for night, so as not to blind. However, often the crew using them sets them
> up wrong, and you get blinded. And I really hate construction lights set to
> illuminate which also serve to blind drivers.
> And this from a guy with good sight and night vision!
I know what you mean! And here, in Orange County, I guess they have more of
those signs than they have use for! There's one on the 405 that's been there
for a year warning to "reduce speed, bump ahead"-there was never really a bump
to begin with, and the work has been finished on the road for months! You can
tell who's new to the area-they're the ones who put there brakes on in the
middle of the freeway!
There's several around town warning of closures that have come and gone-lit
around the clock! So annoying!
And those construction lights-to come out of pitch blackness into a blinding
white light-I think I've died!
Laura G.