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RE: Legitimacy of title

To: "'Scott A. Roberts'" <herald1200@home.com>, spitfires@autox.team.net,
Subject: RE: Legitimacy of title
From: Davies William-qswi646 <William.M.Davies@motorola.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 09:03:24 -0000
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott A. Roberts [mailto:herald1200@home.com]
> Second, after looking at the plate, and title, this plate has 
> been tampered
> with- a second "2" was added to the end of the serial number- 
> it is easily
> noticed because the stamp is deeper, the font of the number 
> is very slightly
> different, and the spacing does not match. It is also a hair 
> larger, and you
> can see it was hand stamped on wood from the slight impression.

Hi Scott,
        I won't comment on the legality except to say that this kind of
practice is fairly common, though I've seldom seen an identity openly
marketed so blatantly.
        I don't believe this plate has been tampered with. From my
observations, it was normal practice for Standard-Triumph commission plates
to be stamped with the main prefix and number group as a block, with the
last numeric identifier (and possibly suffix) stamped by a separate process.
This is logical if you consider that 10 plates could be stamped identically,
then the unique last digit woauld be added - this digit is often stamped out
of line and with different pressure. There were also several different
typefaces in use concurrently, so I would not read too much into the
differences you have noticed in that respect, 

                            This Message sent by: 
   /                  \     William Davies 
  /                    \    Total Triumph Enthusiast 
 __ __________________ __ 
/  \  ______  ______  /  \  1959 Herald 948 Coupe Y128
\__/  \     ||     /  \__/  1959 Herald 948 Coupe 
|    A \____||____/ A    |  1959 Herald 948 Saloon
| =  H              H  = |  1960 Herald 948 Saloon Export 
=====U==============U=====  1960 Herald 948 Saloon 100% Original
\________________________/  1961 Herald 'S'
 | |                  | |   1961 Herald 1200 Coupe 
 |_|                  |_|   1964 Herald 1200 Saloon 
                            1959 Standard Atlas Pickup
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