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Re: Response to Classic Car Restoration factory

To: "dayton carpenter" <djcarpen@hotmail.com>, <mporter@zianet.com>
Subject: Re: Response to Classic Car Restoration factory
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <herald1200@home.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 10:33:01 -0500
First you come on the list and tell us your wonderful scheme to ship cars
out of the country. Then you try to impress us with your credentials,
experience, etc. Then you insult our cars by telling us they're too cheap
for your consideration. You really know how to make friends and influence
people. Too bad that expensive education taught you neither to spell, nor to
get along with others. I must assume that you have decided to try to make
money through exporting our cars because you aren't doing much with your
vaunted legal mind, of which we hear so much about. And if this legal talent
of yours is going to waste, I would imagine it has to do with your attitude.

Say "HI" to all your friends in high places in Taiwan for me. And, once the
eagles have found you out for what you really are, and you're back down with
the turkeys, we'll all remember you. Not fondly, but we'll remember you.

Oh, and I'm tired of hearing about your plan. If Corvettes and muscle cars
are so hot for you, go approach their list. For now, You're
persona-non-grata in my e-mail, and will therefore be blocked shortly after
I post this. (In case you don't remember your Latin from high school or you
off-coast law school, "persona-non-grata" basically means you're nobody and

Ding Hao!
64 Herald 1200 CV with better things to do than listen to this guy any

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