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Re: Response to Classic Car Restoration factory

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>, <djcarpen@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Response to Classic Car Restoration factory
From: "Nolan penney" <npenney@mde.state.md.us>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 07:09:02 -0500
I am an environmental engineer myself who does a lot with autobody shops.  I'm 
curious about your statement of "treating emissions" from painting.  Just what 
do you mean by that?  Is this fancy talk for saying you're going to install  
filters to capture the particulates?  If you're talking the VOC's, does 
treatment simply mean you're going to flare them or capture them in a carbon 
bed?  What do you mean by this treating emissions statement?  

With your business venture,  best of luck to you.  I personally like level 
playing fields.  I doubt any of the tigers will level that playing field, but 
maybe you can do something towards that end.  Not that the US or the US 
companies have had any interest in leveling it either.  The Tarriffs that 
Harley got stuck on imported motorcycles over 750 cc and the US automakers got 
stuck onto imported pickups are classic examples.  As well are the examples of 
the  poor quality of US vehicles.  I certainly wouldn't buy a car that had it's 
doors as misaligned as the US makers regularly misalign theirs, and I don't 
blame the Japanese for refusing to allow them in.  Not to mention the stupid 
refusal of the US manufacturers to put the steering wheel on the correct side 
for the Japanese roads.  

As far as sucking the US market dry of british sports cars, I just don't think 
that's going to happen.  And if it does, I'll switch to another car for fun.  
Heck, many cars that were of interest to me in my youth have long surpassed my 
wallet.  People here in the US are already determined to do that to Spitfires, 
overpricing the heck out of them and their used parts, and finding buyers to 
pay the ridiculous prices on them.  If some oriental clients want to join the 
fray, so be it.  

It might even have some nifty repercussions.  There's some kick butt equipment 
that comes out of the orient.  From fantastic engine controllers to terrific 
tires and everything in between.  I'd certainly be interested in the things 
some of the oriental speed shops would put together for Spitfires and other 

Dayton, I don't quite know how to put this, but you tend to read as a very 
prickly person.  Huffy claims that you built the best Spitfire in the world and 
such tend to put people off.  Your article in the Spitfire/GT6 magazine was 
heavily weighted with complaints about others, lawsuits,  how the judge didn't 
give you enough money, and other things that had nothing to do with the 
Spitfire.  Things like this raise the hackles of others.  Similarly for 
claiming it took you 5,000 hours to install the engine and drive train.  That's 
just not impressive in any way shape or form.  For wining friends and 
influencing enemies, it's just not a good way to go.  Yea, I know, I should 
take my own advise sometimes. :-)  I'm well aware that I can be a world class 
jerk myself.  

Sayonara (however it's properly spelled),
Nolan Penney
Who dearly loves a lot of "jap crap"

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