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Re: (NON-LBC) RE: air compressor line advice...

To: "John T. Blair" <jblair@exis.net>
Subject: Re: (NON-LBC) RE: air compressor line advice...
From: Nolan Penney <npenney@erols.com>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 21:58:44 -0500
Sure it can handle it, if you use the right type.  Then it's rated up to
around 400 psi, and some change.  Even the thin walled cheap stuff routinely
handles the nominal 60 psi of residential water systems.

If it fails, it merely ruptures, it does not, and cannot, explode.

"John T. Blair" wrote:

> DON'T DO IT!!!!!!  PVC will not handle the air pressure.  Eventually it
> will EXPLODE!!!!

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