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RE: Triumph market discipline

To: "'Steven Newell'" <steven@cravetechnology.com>,
Subject: RE: Triumph market discipline
From: Chris De Wet <DeWetC1@sapo.co.za>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 10:43:36 +0200
Hi Steven . 

Don't worry . 
I only need to ad a 1939 Dolomite Roadster and a TR 4 A ( or TR 4 / TR 5 )
to my collection of daily drivers ( no warehouse secrets for me ) .  :-)

BTW if prices become too fancy :-) in the USA or UK , you investors :-)  out
there should consider buying from us poor third world countries :-) . In
fact about 85 % of classics that do come on the market are exported to
Europe , USA or Australia . Granted , there are not a lot of classics down
here , but our money is worth next to nothing , so it's real cheap for
overseas buyers . 

Kind regards .

Chris de Wet .
TSCC membership number : 356 .
'56 TR 3 ( TS 10795 ) + '64 Spitfire 4 Mk 1 ( FC 25680 ) .

PO Box 472 , Ifafi , 0260 , South Africa .
Telephone : 012-3398071 ( office ) or 012-2591129 ( home ) .
Cellphone : 083 9989744 .

Projects : '62 Herald 1200 Coupe , '65 Herald 12/50 ( convertible ) , 
'63 Spitfire 4 Mk 1  , '64 Spitfire 4 Mk 1 , '66 Spitfire 4 Mk 2 .

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Newell [mailto:steven@cravetechnology.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 9:41 PM
To: Jim Hill; Triumph
Subject: Re: tr3b on ebay (market discipline)

Agreed. I still need to add a TRs or two, so I would prefer depressed
market values. Hopefully a stock market correction will help for the next
year unless Triumphs become the hot alternative to tech stocks. So I'd
likely support your follow-on conclusion. Of course, none of us believe
we'll ever sell our cars -- not now, not ever. <g> We'll just keep building
the fleet.
So I also think that list members are perhaps arguing for some market
discipline. Having an artificial runup of our cars doesn't do anyone any
good -- except for buyers when the market corrects. Unless the cars are
all snapped up by overseas* "investors" and tucked in warehouses and
never return to the market.

*I don't mean Chris in SA or you UK enthusiasts.
Steven Newell
Denver, CO
'62 TR4 -- http://www.cravetechnology.com/tr4.html

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