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Re: Cross Country Adventure (maybe)

To: Spit list <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Cross Country Adventure (maybe)
From: Mike Ginter <mikeginter@frii.net>
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 21:55:01 -0700
Cool!  I can tell you after driving a Spitfire from Florida to Denver in
86 and from California to Denver in 99, your plan to take several days
is a good one.  1000 miles (or more) in a Spit can be quite tiring. 
Makes you glad it has a tiny fuel tank.  Can't really help you with
driving directions though.  I've never been to the Pacific Northwest. 
If you get near Denver though (doubtful based on your origination and
destination), stop on by.


HD883HUGGR@aol.com wrote:
> Hi Spitophiles.  This may a tad premature, but currently John Weber and I are
> romancing a deal for his ("my") 75 Spitfire.  Nobody took him up on his deal
> last fall, so he's been holding the car for me as we look forward to nicer
> weather.
>     Part of what made me decide to purchase the car was his claim that "This
> car will drive to Florida if need be."  Because I (1) never grown up
> completely and (2) always love to play the outside odds, I instantly became
> entranced with the thought of flying to Portland and driving the car back to
> Phoenix just to see of ol' John was full of beans or not.
>     Because I work weekends, my goal is to fly to Portland on Sunday or
> Monday and spread the 30-hour drive over a 3- or 4-day period so as to maybe
> catch a few sights and not damage my buttocks too terribly.  This way, if the
> little beastie breaks down, I still have time to catch a bus or a plane back
> to Phoenix in order to handle my weekend contract.
>     I am currently considering scheduling this birdbrained adventure for
> Feburary 4 thru 8, or (more probably) February 26 thru March 1...but may push
> it as far back as March 26 thru 29 if weather looks frightening.  (or maybe
> August...)
>     So why do I bring it up?  Because I need some advice from you
> Northerners.  There seem to be only two logical routes to follow: either I-84
> though Idaho, then I-15 through Utah to Las Vegas, and then Hwy 93 back to
> Phoenix... or else hotfoot it south on I-5 all the way to L.A. and then take
> I-10 east to Phoenix.  The Oregon route looks more pictuesque on the map, but
> the California route strikes me as less snowy.  Since I arrived at this
> opinion after looking at a road map, I could be completely off-base (which is
> why I'm looking for advice).
>     In addition, I will probably be making this journey alone, so it would be
> nice to know if there are any Listers on either route who might wish to
> generously offer (a) a warm bed, or (b) SOS assistance in case of mechanical
> failure.
>     Please contact me off-list if you wish to become a part of this
> foolishness.  Thanks!
>     Scott (and Hobbs, 77 Spit, who looks forward to adopting an older brother)

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