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"The Triumph Marque" on Speedvision

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: "The Triumph Marque" on Speedvision
From: Tburke4@aol.com
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 18:45:51 EST
Hello all,

Just caught the last part of "The Triumph Marque" on Speedvision. I had hoped 
to get word to the West Coast contingent so they could watch it, but, it 
broadcast at 6PM Eastern and simultaneous at 3PM Western, so it's gone for 
now. Things being what they are on cable TV, though, it will be back, no 
doubt. Check your local listings and www.speedvision.com

The part I saw spent a good deal of time on Spitfires and their successes in 
Rallying and at LeMans. Some interesting shots of the factory racers and the 
team members.

Tom Burke
80 Spit 

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