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I'm back, little LBC content

To: "'Spit list'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: I'm back, little LBC content
From: Craig Smith <CraigS@iewc.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 21:35:35 -0600
I have truly missed my interaction with the group these last few weeks.
I hope I didn't miss much .
The reason I have been out are medical.
I got a rebuilt PUMP !!!
You folks think some of our parts and mechanics are expensive ??
How about $75,000 ?? 
Thank GOD for Insurance !
But if you look at it as a whole. it's worth it, I almost checked out for
good ! The Part suppliers are very few and mine were actually my own boobs !
The mechanics were over paid, but just like a good tranny guy, we need these
people !
I was removing the rear wheels on my 71 one night to look at the brake drum
wear, jacking up the rear, putting in the jack stands, using my 1/2" ratchet
to remove the wheel nuts, nothing real bad. I started to feel a little
flush, like standing up too quick, next thing I knew, I took a header right
under the Spit, face down, bumping my bald head on the drum. This opened up
a small cut, the problem with head cuts are that they bleed like a broken
oil pressure line. There I was laying flat on my big old Cheese Burger
filled belly bleeding like a stuck pig ! My 11 year old daughter just
happened to be coming into the garage at that moment and saw me face down.
Needless to say she had a fit ! First thing she thought was the damn car had
finally KILLED me. !
She called my wife,  I regained my composure and looked my wife right in the
eyes and said "Why did you push me", she got all upset about my accusing her
of pushing me, women get REAL defensive sometimes ! ANYWAY, a neighbor saw
all the commotion and came over, he had been personally trying to increase
the stock value of Miller Brewing Company in one day. He grabbed an oily rag
cleaned up the blood and offered me a Miller Lite ! I just love neighbors !
While all this was going on my heart was doing micro laps at the local race
track. I declined the beer and stood up.
There I went again, took a dive that a club boxer would be proud of !
Kids went nuts, wife's first thought was I was spending too much time with
the neighbor and the stock broker.
I again woke up to way to many people trying to help me redo the brakes on
the Spit, knot on my head, and a drunk trying to explain that his drinking
problem was due to post traumatic Miata repair.

I got to the hospital via a very nice ambulance that actually ran due to the
wire that I supply to the manufacturer of the ambulance.
Funny how you think of stupid shit at times like these ! 

I'm laying on a gurney with a hundred people all trying to stick a needle or
hose in every orifice of my body, I'm dressed in an old oily coverall with 2
years of goo all over it. 
I never wash that coverall, it's like a badge of success thing. 
They proceed to CUT my coveralls off, bare me to the world, bare ass naked
and trying shove stuff in me. 
Wife is crying, neighbor is hitting on one of the nurses, and a fellow walks
up and ask me what kind of car I was working on ! I told him it was a 71
Spitfire and he proceeded to tell me he had one when he was in med. school.
We talked about slave cylinders, wires, carbs, brake cylinders, and the FUN
of owning and working on a SPIT. All the time this gentleman was doing his
job, saw the problem, diagnosed it, shoved a mask on my face, and sent me to

And here I am today, new pump, new operating instructions ! No Cheese
Burgers, No Cigarettes, and no socializing with my NEIGHBORS !

So, the moral to the story, 
Damned if I know !
I'm sure going to miss my NEIGHBOR ! 

With a bypass they give you a little pamphlet telling you about depression
and other stuff, they didn't say anything about Spitfire withdrawal !

Craig Smith
36 Pelham Ridge Drive
Greenville, SC 29615
800/692-2323 ext. 2105
864/234-1020 fax
e-mail: craigs@iewc.com

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