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Re: Little LBC content - PC and Spitfire Ale

To: "Bowen, Patrick" <pbowen@intellinetics.com>,
Subject: Re: Little LBC content - PC and Spitfire Ale
From: Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 0:23:54 -0700
> Political Correctness is again doing us in...

Maybe they're just still jealous that they lost the war! Or maybe that the 
British haven't been as apologetic about winning as the French have been. 
(Remember that dreadful faux pas of several years ago when the French 
government actually invited the Germans to partake in Bastille Day parades by 
driving their tanks down the Champs Elysee! The vets (and other protesters) 
among them all turned around and faced the sidewalk, showing their backs to the 

> Cavalier, could be offensive to someone still taken up in the French 

Actually, Cavaliers were the monarchists in the English Civil war-it was 
Cavaliers vs. Roundheads (the Puritans). (Cavaliers wore their hair 
long-curled. "Cavalier curls". While the Puritans were simple in dress and 
hairstyle. Love the Baroque!) During the French Revolution they were "Aristos". 
"A la Lanterne avec les aristos!" (And they ended up with their hair short 
anyway, when they were sent to the scaffold...how did we get to this 
subject?... ;-P)

Living in the past,

Laura G.

Vita brevis est: rapide agite, vigore strigate!

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