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Little LBC content - PC and Spitfire Ale

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Little LBC content - PC and Spitfire Ale
From: "Bowen, Patrick" <pbowen@intellinetics.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 09:05:01 -0500
Political Correctness is again doing us in.  Here is the latest attempt to
pacify one side of somthing to give a warm fuzzy to the other, making us all
sick in the process.  As reported by FOXNEWS in their Political Correctness

"Votz De Problem? 
An English brewery was asked to remove advertising posters for its Spitfire
brand beer from the London Underground rail system because they are
offensive to Germans, reports the Daily Telegraph. The Shepherd Neame
brewery, which caused a stir last year with ads claiming its ale was "downed
all over Kent, just like the Luftwaffe," is now in trouble for one that
makes fun of German accents ("Votz Zo Funny About Zeez Posters?") and
another that mimics a secret code ("The goat and the marmoset play all night
by the river in the spring and later summer," with several of the letters
ringed to read "German beer is pants"). "
I think we should all go find a name so we can rename our Spitfire cars in
accordance with that.  What could it be?  Corvette? No thats taken, and
might be offensive to submariners.  How about Kompressor, Wait no that shows
a particular ethnic accent - won't do either.  Cavalier, could be offensive
to someone still taken up in the French Revolution,  how about Lumina, wait
that alludes to enlitenment and that speaks to a religion, wouldn't want to
do that.   Mustang, same problem as Spitfire.  Outback, offensive to
aboriginies in the conquest of thier land, Not to mention names like Apache,
Aztec, and so on.  Ok My point has been pushed far enough, and it time to
remove my tongue from the inside of my cheek.
Patrick Bowen

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