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Joke, no LBC. Delete if your not humoured!

To: "Spitfire List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Joke, no LBC. Delete if your not humoured!
From: "Graham Stretch" <technical@iwnet.screaming.net>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 22:28:10 -0000
Hi All

Thought you might like this!

A new employee is hired at the "Tickle me Elmo" factory. The manager
explains what they want her to do, and she starts the following day at 8am.
At 8.45 there's a knock on the manager's door, and the assembly line
supervisor comes in and starts ranting about the new employee. She is
incredibly slow, and the whole production line is backing up. The manager
goes to the production floor with the supervisor, and sure enough there are
Elmo's everywhere. At the end of the line sits the new employee, she has a
large roll of the material from which the Elmo's are made, and a huge bag of
marbles. They watch as she carefully cuts a square of material, wraps it
around two marbles, and then sews the little package to the front of Elmo's
trousers, between his legs. The manager starts laughing hysterically, then
walks over to the girl and says "I'm sorry, I guess I didn't make your
instructions clear. Here, I'll write down what I said" he takes out a sheet
of paper and writes "You will sit at the end of the production line, and
give each Elmo two test tickles."

Sprinted Dolomite
2000 MKI
1300 Front Wheel Drive


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  • Joke, no LBC. Delete if your not humoured!, Graham Stretch <=