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RE: What's wrong with my brakes?

To: CraigS <CraigS@iewc.com>
Subject: RE: What's wrong with my brakes?
From: Richard B Gosling <Gosling_Richard_B@perkins.com>
Date: 17 Oct 2000 02:45:31 -0500
So...  What on earth is a POS PDWA valve?  Too many initials that I don't know
 what they stand for!

Nolan - I had to push the pistons back in a little to remove the pads, in order
 to grind off the excessive metal.  The moved quite freely, and re-applying the
 brakes should have pushed them back to the new correct position.  No sign of
 any fluif loss around the pistons.  So I doubt that is the problem.

In fact, driving home yesterday, I felt that the brakes HAD improved somewhat
 compared to how they were at the beginning of this saga.  So, the grinding of
 the pads and/or the extra bleeding has helped.  They are still not quite where
 I would prefer them to be, but good enough to lend Daffy to my wife while I
 take her car in to have its suspension fixed (it's a Citroen, their suspension
 systems are way too complicated for their own good...).  I'm hoping that
 adjusting the rear brakes will be enough to get the brakes right back to where
 they should be, although I may still replace the rubber hoses with new, steel
 braided items, to improve response further.

I am confident the my front brakes are still working, at least after the second
 press, as they will lock up happily when hit hard.  Also, if it was just all
 air in the system, I should hear it rushing out under 21 psi pressure from the
 tyre, not the complete lack of anything I got when I opened up the bleed
 valve.  It must be a blockage, which I will try to clear under pedal pressure.

R & D

CraigS@iewc.com on 16Oct2000 08:05 PM

To:     Richard B Gosling/1M/Caterpillar@Caterpillar
cc:     spitfires@autox.team.net@INTERNET
Subject:        RE: What's wrong with my brakes?
Retain Until: 15/11/2000        Retention Category: G90    - Information and
Perkins Confidential:  Green

I don't know if anyone has suggested this,,,,

It might be that POS PDWA valve !

If your getting nothing from the front bleeders it just might be that damn
I suggest removing it and throw it as far as you can

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