WD-40 isn't the right chemical. It's neither a lubricant nor a pentrating oil.
For this sort of job you need something like Kroil, PB Blaster or such.
Even then, it's a dubious job. As soon as you pound the pin with
a hammer you distort it, making it even more impossible to pound
out, especially if you're banging away with a light hammer.
A BFH definately has its place and its uses.
>>> "Ken C" <sdspitfire@worldnet.att.net> 10/12 2:34 PM >>>
While I agree with Jeff regarding hinge replacement rather than pin
replacement, has anyone replaced a hinge pin ? I tried and just couldn't
budge the existing pin. Soaked it in WD40 overnight, beat on that bad boy
big time, no success. Do I just need the proper tool ? (a bigger hammer !)