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RE: What's wrong with my brakes?

To: spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: What's wrong with my brakes?
From: Richard B Gosling <Gosling_Richard_B@perkins.com>
Date: 09 Oct 2000 08:36:18 -0500
Thanks again to you all for your swift replies.

Good point about tandem systems.  Daffy was first registered August '78, which
 should make her a tandem brake system, but in fact she is single cylinder
 (which is apparently up to '77).  There have been a couple of other things
 that don't tie up with her registration date (don't know build date, haven't
 asked BMIH) or chassis number, such as non-waxstat HS4 carbs, and fixed fan
 pulley not viscous coupling, but I guess any of these could have been modified
 by a DPO.

Anyway, the point is, she's single cylinder system.  Which is less safe, but
 does make my re-build job easier!

Richard and Daffy

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