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Small Chassis 3-3/4 inch bolt circle -

To: mark holbrook <rolling_rock_12@yahoo.com>
Subject: Small Chassis 3-3/4 inch bolt circle -
From: Barry Schwartz <bschwart@pacbell.net>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 06:37:59 -0700
>I hve a GT6 and I didnt know the specs
>on the spit.  Can MG wheels fit the GT6 though?  I
>thought they could.
Nope I afraid that the GT6 is the same 3-3/4 inch pattern -
Why BL /Triumph adopted this unusual pattern is beyond me.  I'm sure it
would have been just as easy to use 4" but only BL/Triumph  knows . . .

John M - can you shed any light on why the unusual bolt circle dia?  I
would think that the wheels for Standard Triumph were purchased by them
from an outside supplier (albeit to their specs I'm sure), but as such, a
more standard bolt circle would have been more readily available or al
least adaptable? And surely the hubs could have been made with the more
common 4 inch bolt circle without expensive part/casting changes or
additional tooling -

Barry Schwartz (San Diego) bschwart@pacbell.net

72 PI, V6 Spitfire (daily driver)
70 GT6+ (when I don't drive the Spit)
70 Spitfire (long term project)

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