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What can I paint?

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: What can I paint?
From: Bruce Larson <ploscar@Prodigy.net>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 02:21:15 -0400 (EDT)
Here's another question for the list.  I am in the middle of a body off
restoration of my 1967 Mk III.  (It didn't start out that way).  Anyway, I
have stripped and painted the frame with POR-15.  I am thinking about doing
the same with the various suspension components, differential, back of the
rear hubs, the face of both brake drums, rear axle drive shafts, etc. 
Should I be concerned about putting POR-15 on any of these components. 
Incidently, I was very impressed on how easy it was to apply the POR-15 with
a brush.  It spread very evenly and appears to have coated the frame well.

Bruce Larson
Hilo, Hawaii


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