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Re: Door Opening

To: Craig Smith <CraigS@iewc.com>
Subject: Re: Door Opening
From: Chris DeStaffany <destaff@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 18:53:11 -0700 (PDT)
Just went through this.  I believe that these are no
longer available.  I tried in vain to repair one and
was not able to do it

Chris DeStaffany
1975 Spit

--- Craig Smith <CraigS@iewc.com> wrote:
> My doors won't open from the outside...
> I removed the unit and found out that a plastic
> piece has given up the
> ghost.
> I has a spring over it and is actuated by the
> pulling of the handle.
> It's on a 71 Spit, do these exist in the parts world
> as a separate piece or
> am I going to have to purchase the whole thing ?

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