I bought the mild steel 4-2-1 header from Moss (listed for a Midget 1500).
It was approx $200. Too rich for my blood, but what the hell. I painted it
flat black with high temp paint. Most of the paint peeled off in the 1st 20
minutes of running. I shoulda baked it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Rhodes [mailto:krhodes1@maine.rr.com]
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 9:55 AM
To: Spitfire
Subject: Exhausting problem....
Hello all,
I need some help making a decision. I managed to ground Freddy the Spit's
exhaust on a high crowned road on Saturday, in the process cracking the old
four into 1 tubular header he came with. This thing is old and getting
pretty thin, so I don't think welding it is an option. So I guess my
options are 1> get another header, or 2. install the stock exhaust manifold
I have from my old parts car. That manifold is from a 74 1500, Freddy's
engine is a 69 1296 - will that cause a problem? I also have the center
pipe from the 74, it is in good shape. The exhaust flange on the manifold
is not all that great though. To add to the fun of all this, when I had the
exhaust redone on Freddy this past spring the shop WELDED the center pipe
to the header, even though I told them not to! ;-(
So my question is - stock or new header, and who's header? I have read that
the VB one is a piece of crap, what about the one Moss sells for ~$150? Any
other sources - I am a bit poor at the moment!
Looks like I will be taking the Saab to the British invasion - at least the
engine is a 2nd cousin-once-removed to a Triumph Dolomite!
Kevin Rhodes
Freddy the noisy Spit
Portland, Maine
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