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Re: Welding steel to stainless

To: "Michael D. Nugent, Ph.D." <nugentmd@gte.net>
Subject: Re: Welding steel to stainless
From: Nolan Penney <npenney@erols.com>
Date: Sat, 09 Sep 2000 22:21:25 -0400
The filler neck is brass, almost assuredly.  Sp soldering or brazing it
would make far more sense.

But in the interest of trick appearances, have you considered some of the
really interesting filler necks on the market?  The japanese car magazines
will have some, and they are quite striking.

"Michael D. Nugent, Ph.D." wrote:

> For somebody who knows what they're doing, would welding a radiator
> filler neck (steel, I think) to a stainless steel pipe be difficult?  I
> want to relocate the filler on the GT8 engine to the highest point in
> the system so I don't have to worry about trapped air.
> --
> Mike
> Renton, WA - http://home1.gte.net/NugentMD/spitfire3500.htm

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