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Re: Spit MK3 Dash Warning Lights question

To: "Spitfire List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>, <sharpc@interaxs.net>
Subject: Re: Spit MK3 Dash Warning Lights question
From: "Luke Lewis" <lukage@home.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 13:18:44 -0400

> Additionally, a generator is designed to charge the electrical system when
> the engine is turning well above idle speed. At idle it will only put out
> enough to keep the car running.

I would be quicker to say "Maintain" than "Charge" ... Ask anyone with a
1994 GM mid-size car;  a bad battery will take out an alternator in no time.
If the battery is dead, it should be charged with a charger.  A lot of years
selling batteries and alternators has taught me this - that's why parts
stores offer free testing, to try to keep their customers from
misdiagnosing.  (I used to manage a parts/service centre)


71 Spit - "Fireball"

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