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Re: Carbon Cannister

To: frandrum@voicenet.com
Subject: Re: Carbon Cannister
From: Roger Elliott <relliott@cjnetworks.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 14:49:25 -0500 (CDT)
I rebuilt the cannister on my Spitfire using charcoal for fish filters,
and round PVC filter material (the same diameter as the cannister) that I
found at the local auto parts store. 

ISTR the early ones were made to be reuilt the later ones are sealed.  i
knocked the bottom off with a hammer, then used silicone to seal it bak

Roger Elliott

On Mon, 7 Aug 2000 frandrum@voicenet.com wrote:

> Hello Listers,
> Can someone please explain to me the function of the carbon cannister.
> I tried to buy one today from Vicky Brit for my 72 Spitfire and was told the 
>item is no
> longer available.
> Has anyone tried replacing the content of the cannister with activated 
> Once again,  thanks for the feedback.
> Frank
> D.
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