I bought a new spitfire MKIV in 1972 with a factory steel hardtop.
The soft top does not have to be completly removed to install the hardtop but
you do have
to remove the flat bar that goes accross the car body near the boot lid and gas
cap since
this is a primary mounting point for the hardtop. Offhand, I don't remember if
you need
to disconnect any of the softtop hardware near the doors. In any event, total
removal is
not a big deal and the soft top will fare better in an open position in some
nice soft dry
location for the winter.
By the way!
I had the hardtop refinished and painted a year ago but have not been able to
find a
source for a new interiior head liner. I have all the hardware and I suppose I
could take
it to a regular seatcover/interiors shop but I would rather find a liner made
for the top.
Any suggestions.
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