If I understand you correctly, you've got a binding problem going in the front
suspension. The shocks may well be causing that, particularly if they are old
and dried out, but other suspension bits could be bound up as well. Have you
lubed your chassis? But all the grease/oil in the world will not help a
thoroughly worn out trunion.
I would not recommend air shocks as a fix at either end. It's a bandaid, and
bypasses fixing the real problem. Be that real problem a twisted frame or
whatever. Using the air shocks masks it for sitting static, but doesn't fix
the suspension motion problems that inherently exist with a tweaked car. It
can also make things even more unpleasant by putting different spring rates at
the opposite sides of the car. The more pressure required to jack the car into
level, the worse the difference problem would be.
If you are truly determined to put an air shock on the front, it can be done.
You would want to look through some motorcycle catalogs to determine which rear
air shock will fit this application. A Dennis Kirk catalog may contain the
information you'd need, I know they used to list the shocks by lengths, rate,
and fittings. Be prepared for sticker shock though, as motorcycle air shocks
aren't cheap.