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RE: removing 1500 manifolds

To: "'Claudia Lied'" <cglied@whro.net>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: removing 1500 manifolds
From: Davies William-qswi646 <William.M.Davies@motorola.com>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 13:33:42 +0100
> Advice needed!  I am in the process of replacing my 80 Spit's 
> manifolds
> after the exhaust split returning from a show the first day 
> of BCW.  I have
> all the upper nuts off, but cannot access the lower nuts with 
> the tools I
> have.  A DPO replaced these nuts with long, about 1 inch, 
> nuts like those
> used to connect threaded rod.  Does anyone know of a specific type of
> wrench that will get over the exhaust and under the intake manifold to
> reach these nuts?  
> TIA  Gary Lied

Hi Gary,
        The only way I found to get at these nuts on a 1500 was by using a
thin walled 9/16 socket with 3/8 drive. I had to buy a new bar with a
knuckle joint at one end - not included in the standard socket sets I've
owned. This arrangement gave me enough clearance to loosen/tighten these
nuts by very small increments, manoeuvering the bar carefully each turn. The
job is a complete pain, but it can be done as long as you can find the right
        Hope this helps,

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