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RE: Touring in a Spit - longish

To: spitfires@autox.team.net, "'Growe58@aol.com'" <Growe58@aol.com>
Subject: RE: Touring in a Spit - longish
From: "Banbury, Terrence" <Terrence.Banbury@dnr.state.oh.us>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 09:18:07 -0400
I, too, am not keen on sharing the road with the Big Rigs.  On the back
roads you can always turn off on a side road to "escape" construction, too
many trucks, etc, and as you pointed out , the scenery is better.  

> ----------
> From:         Growe58@aol.com[SMTP:Growe58@aol.com]
> Reply To:     Growe58@aol.com
> Sent:         Monday, May 22, 2000 8:27 PM
> To:   spitfires@autox.team.net
> Subject:      Touring in a Spit - longish
> I had to make a 200 mile each way trip this weekend and since my wife
> needed the minivan, I packed up the Spitfire and off I went.  On the way
> up
> Saturday night, it was rainy and cool (low 50s) so the top stayed up.  I
> had some anxious moments merging onto an interstate in heavy fog (is a
> tractor trailer coming?), but other than that, the trip was uneventful.  I
> came
> back today in steady rain most of the time, so the top was still up.  I
> don't
> really like tangoing with the 18 wheelers on the interstates in the spit, 
> especially in the rain, so I pulled out the map and looked for the 
> "backroads".
> You know, I can almost forget how beautiful parts of Pennsylvania are when
> I'm isolated on the interstates.  The back roads brought it all home for
> me.  
> The farms and the fields.  The impossibly green forests.  The "S" curves
> up 
> the hillsides through tree cover when I would suddenly burst out in the
> open
> on top.  Towns denoted by a 35 mph speed limit and a cluster of a dozen 
> old, but immaculately maintained houses on both sides of the road.  And 
> then a rush back up to 55.  What a magical drive even without the
> sunshine!
> Well, that was my contribution to British Car Week.  I eventually DID have
> to 
> go back to the main roads so at least some John and Joan Q. Publics did
> get
> to see an LBC.  Mechanically, my spit ran sweetly the whole way with the
> exception of a small vibration from one of the u-joints- I replaced 2
> earlier 
> this
> year, so of course the third is now failing.  Oh and I couldn't get warm
> air
> from the heater - it was either hot or cold.  Also, rain kept coming in
> where
> the top meets the windshield header.  But I think that qualifies as pretty
> uneventful!  
> This was a good drive.  I'm going to remember this one a LONG time.
> Greg Rowe
> 78 Spitfire 

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