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Re: Re: Re: So, who wants to sell me a Spitfire OD tranny?

To: "spitfires@autox.team.net" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Re: Re: So, who wants to sell me a Spitfire OD tranny?
From: "alemen@pop.ftconnect.com" <alemen@pop.ftconnect.com>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 14:03:39 -0400
Laura, my reason was that work is 25 miles normally freeway or fun back roads 
in the country where I can zip along at good speed (as fast as on the freeway 
if it's really good) so it's all personal choice related to where one lives and 
the need/preference for the O/D. But if you don't have it (the gear lever 
switch) then you can't play James Bond with the ejector seat on the passengers 
when they ask what the switch is for.


Original Message:
From:  Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Tue, May 23 2000 11:30:35 GMT-0600
Subject: Re: Re: So, who wants to sell me a Spitfire OD tranny?

Actually, most of my driving is around town-sometimes I go a week without going 
on the freeway! (Believe me, sometimes it's quicker and easier to go on surface 
streets rather than on the freeway!) I only do highway driving when I go up to 
L.A-sometimes it's twice a week, sometimes it's twice a month.

In 20,000 miles, I haven't had any engine troubles-Dave built one great engine! 
The problems that I've had have been a faulty altenator, a new starter motor, 
differential and u-joint issues. (The rear end being the only part of the car 
he didn't originally replace-he thought it was good! And it was for about 
15,000 miles. And that'll soon be new anyway!)What I usually see Dave for are 
valve adjustments and tune-ups-about once every 3 months. 

Dave is good about not steering me wrong-afterall, he's the one who has to fix 
Nigel! (And does it for nothing!) I trust him.

Besides, he's only a block and a half from my house-I go over and have a beer 
with him after 5! He wouldn't see me any less!

Laura G.

>From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
>Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 10:22:24 -0700
>To: Laura Gharazeddine <Laura.G@141.com>
>CC: spitfires@autox.team.net
>Subject: Re: So, who wants to sell me a Spitfire OD tranny?
>If you do any highway driving at all (and in LA, I can't figure out how you 
>can avoid it), you would really benefit from an overdrive. 
>Sure, it is one more thing that can fail, but it is something that will take a 
>lot of wear and tear off the engine.  I smile every time
>the OD kicks in and I can watch the revs drop by 500 rpm.  That will increase 
>engine life and for my money is well worth the added
>possibility of additional problems.
>But then Dave wouldn't get to see you as often!  :)
>Laura Gharazeddine wrote:
>> None of my Spits have had o/d. With Nigel, we've talked about it. Then one 
>of the guys from my local Triumph club said he could get me (a used) one at a 
>good price. I thought about it. Talked about it with Dave. Talked about it 
>with the English guy who works for Dave. In all, I talked to about 5 different 
>people and what it came down to is that it's a nice thing to have-but not a 
>necessity and more importantly-it'll be just *another thing to break or go 
>> That last bit, coming from individuals I respect and who hadn't confered 
>with each other convinced me not to do it.
>> This year, at least!
>> Laura G.

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