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Bolts removed, engine and tranny mated togethor

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Bolts removed, engine and tranny mated togethor
From: "Bowen, Patrick A RP2" <PABowen@sar.med.navy.mil>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 07:13:03 -0400
Well the bolts came out of the flywheel halfway easy (at least something is
going my way)  I bought $20 worth of left handed drill bits, extractors, and
taps just to find out that a small screw driver and a hammer would remove
them painlessly in about 20 minutes.  Lesson learned, new toys will be put
away for another day.

The engine and tranny are now mated and all is set.  I will be placing the
manifolds on the car today along with the alternator and starter.  And then
the engine is 100%.  Two quick questions for the group.

1.)  how long of studs do you use on the intake and exhaust manifolds?  

2.)  how does the alternator connect?  I have the bracket but do not
clearley see how this sets up.  Where does the top bolt connect, I have the
bracket but do not see where it bolts.  Also where does the big spacer go,
in front or behind?  and is it the only spacer?


Patrick Bowen

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