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Re: Don't want speeding ticket

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Don't want speeding ticket
From: "Dean Dashwood" <Dean.Dashwood@enron.com>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 09:48:45 +0100

Patrick et al,

I think the point Richard is making is that if you change the diff ratio, or the
tyre size, the speed of the car at any given engine speed will change slightly.
But you are correct in saying that the reading on the speeo will not change
(i.e. it will be wrong).

Essentially, if (can't remember who wanted the original info) wants to know what
his speedo reading would be, then a simple table of tach/speedo conversions for
each gear is sufficient.  However, if he wants to know what speed he's actually
travelling at, he will need an equation relating engine speed, gearbox ratio,
diff ratio and tyre size.  ISTR something like that being posted a little while
ago - but IMHO it is far easier to get someone to follow you and tell you what
speed you are travelling at!


Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 19:05:31 -0500
From: Patrick Baize <speedracre@netzero.net>
Subject: Re: Don't want speeding ticket

Not Really Richard,
    The Tach is connected to the motor  /  motor to tranny  /  tranny to
    Its a direct connect so tach to speedo is constant..


Richard Bonilla / Colorado wrote:

> do we not need gearing ratios, and tire sizes to make
> this meaningful info?
> richard / colorado

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