Sorry Jeff, you can't have that name, I've already used it! Oh, all right then,
I suppose we can share it. I thought it was the perfect name for my car,
especially since I'm a big Stephen King fan, too. (Half way through The Girl
Who Loved Tom Gordon, by the way. Excellent book - King demonstrates his
totally unique ability to get inside the human mind. If you liked Gerald's
Game, you'll love this - they're very similar in style.)
Dean (+ Christine, but no surname)
Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 13:01:36 -0700
From: "Jeff McNeal" <>
Subject: Re: Thanks to a list member, Susan Hensley
Here, here! Susan is terrific!!
Hey, not to get off the subject, but I thought this was kinda funny. When I
first bought my Spitfire and began spending so much time working on it early
this year, my wife jokingly referred to it as "Mrs. Jones". The name stuck.
Yesterday, when she was walking through the garage and almost slipped on a
jack handle I had carelessly laid near the car, she took another
good-natured swipe, calling the car "Christine" (ala Stephen King). So
that's it!! Mrs. Jones has a first name now!
Best wishes,
Jeff in San Diego