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EMERGENCY! Spit e-mail may be infected

To: triumphs@autox.team.net, spitfires@autox.team.net, nass@egroups.com
Subject: EMERGENCY! Spit e-mail may be infected
From: Bradley D Richardson <bradrichardson@juno.com>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 20:56:31 -0700
I have two computers here that are both infected with a trojan virus,
which according to Norton Virus, attached itself to


This file, despite it's name, is a part of Windows 98, which is what we
run here.  Don't know if it is a part of other Windows programs.

The virus detector said it was infected with the PWSTEAL.TROJAN virus. 
Norton said it was NOT repairable, so I had to delete it manually from
the computer, and went to another computer which passed the virus
scanner, and copied the file to a floppy, and then put it back on the
infected computers, ran scan again, and it passed.

The reason I'm bringing it specifically up here, is the two computers
infected have one major thing in common.  Both connect to the spit mail
lists.  Other than that, there is virtually nothing in common.  So, I'm
suspecting it came from one of the three mail lists.

Brad Richardson

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