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Burning Oil

To: spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Burning Oil
From: Growe58@aol.com
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 20:38:10 EDT
My .02.  If you don't want to do repairs to a motor with worn rings,
don't.  I didn't.  It'll still run fine for another 10,000 or 20,000 miles.
Those Triumph engines are tough. And you're not making things any 
worse when rebuild time does come around.

I wouldn't use any additives.  I would use 20W-50 at least, not 10W-40
(btw you shouldn't use 10W-40 for ANY car since it contains too much 
viscocity stretchers and not enough lubricants).  I used to add straight 
70W every 3rd or 4th top off myself.

Now, this is my personal bias speaking, but if I had an engine that was
worn, I would probably change the thrust washers because they CAN
fail with catastrophic results.


Greg Rowe
78 Spitfire

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