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Re: Part II: Screwed BY Mrs. Jones

To: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>,
Subject: Re: Part II: Screwed BY Mrs. Jones
From: "MikeC" <mikech@sprynet.com>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 22:02:55 -0600
>Uh...  The rear trunnion bolts are about 6" long and extend through the
>lower eye of the shock, through a long shaft (the rear trunnion, I'm
>assuming) then out the other end, correct?

No that is incorrect, the trunion bolt goes through the verticle links above
the lower shock mount,  its about 3.5 to 4 inches long bolt and extends
through the mount for the radius arm. . The rod that the shock mounts to is
welded to the verticle links that connect to the spring.  If you broke this,
its time for a whole new verticle link.

>If so, I think I broke the bolt by torqueing it down too far.  Either that,
>or it just gave up after 34 years.

It may have been broken for a long time.

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