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RE: Interesting Site (particularly useful on road trips)

To: Spitfire Internet Mail List <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: RE: Interesting Site (particularly useful on road trips)
From: "Simmons, Reid W" <reid.w.simmons@intel.com>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 17:29:34 -0700
For those of you making the trip to Portland in August for the Triumph
Convention be aware that the city of Beaverton (that's where the Greenwood
Inn, convention headquarters, is located) has started a very serious
campaign against drivers who think red lights don't apply to them.  I have
seen both traffic light cameras and live (but hidden) cops waiting for those
who "blow through" the red lights.  I'm not saying that the fine is
unusually high but you might want to consider bringing the title to your
car, first born male child, and the deed to your house just in case you want
to try it.  :-)

'79 Spitfire (original owner)

-----Original Message-----
From: Laura.G@141.com [mailto:Laura.G@141.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2000 6:38 AM
To: Joe Curry
Cc: Spitfire Internet Mail List; Triumph Internet Mail List.
Subject: Re: Interesting Site (particularly useful on road trips)

There was an interesting case in the news the other day-in L.A. County,
there are intersections with the cameras that are triggered if you run the
red light-it goes off and takes a picture of your car and plate.

Well, a fellow got off by claiming that red light cameras are illegal as it
is a speed trap and speed traps are illegal in the state of California! And
the judge bought it and let him off! I hope I never meet either the
red-light runner or his lawyer -or the the judge- at a red light-since these
guys seem to think it's ok to run 'em!

Come on! It's not a speed trap-it's a RED light!


Laura G.
>From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
>Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 12:14:35 -0700
>To: Spitfire Internet Mail List <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
>        "Triumph Internet Mail List." <triumphs@autox.team.net>
>Subject: Interesting Site (particularly useful on road trips)
>Here's a site some of you might find useful as you make it up to Portland
in August.
><a href="http://www.speedtrap.com/";>http://www.speedtrap.com/</a>

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