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O/D trouble

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: O/D trouble
From: "M.Hesselink" <M.Hesselink@chello.nl>
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 07:25:02 +0200
Hi All,

Unlike some other people I try not to clog all your mailboxes with
unnecessairy and uninteresting emails, but now I have a real problem I
need your help with...

About three years and 10,000 kms ago I fitted a new overdrive gearbox to
my '79 Spitfire 1500. Being British-made of course the gearbox leaks
oil. I usually need to top up twice a year. I used to know the box
needed a top-up because the overdrive would take longer  to engage.
Once the box was full again, the O/D worked fine again....

Not anymore. Lately the O/D has becoming slower while the gearbox oil is
on level. If I flick the switch, it sometimes takes minutes before the
O/D engages, sometimes it won't engage at all. And if it does, it takes
ages. It feels like I'm driving with a slipping clutch for several
Once it is engaged it works fine.

What can be the cause of this? Is there something I can do without
having to take the whole gearbox out again? Maybe a different grade of
Gearbox oil? Right now I'm using standard EPA 90, as recommended by all
the manuals...

Thanks for your help,

Marc Hesselink

For those who care:
'79 Triumph Spitfire 1500
'74 Triumph Dolomite 1850
'69 Peugeot 204 Saloon

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