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RE: Oil pan sealant

To: Spitfire List <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: RE: Oil pan sealant
From: "Banbury, Terrence" <Terrence.Banbury@dnr.state.oh.us>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 11:44:35 -0500
Permatex #2 is what I would use.  Clean all the metal surfaces that will
contact the gasket and then put a thin coat on the metal surfaces and the
gasket; then assemble.  This may sound like overkill, but it will ensure
that the sealant 'sticks' to all the surfaces and eliminates paths for oil
to leak through.  Like you said, you shouldn't over-torque the bolts because
that will cause the gasket to fail.
If the engine is warm, you might successfully remove the gasket without
damaging it, but it is not a guarantee.  
Other products, (siliconized, etc.) may work but I've found this works well
for me.
My .02

Terrence Banbury

> ----------
> From:         Jeff McNeal[SMTP:jmcneal@ohms.com]
> Reply To:     Jeff McNeal
> Sent:         Wednesday, March 29, 2000 11:04 AM
> To:   Spitfire List
> Subject:      Oil pan sealant
> I made the mistake of replacing my oil pan gasket without using some sort
> of
> gasket sealing compound and of course, the leaks are as bad (or perhaps
> worse) then when I drained, cleaned and replaced everything.  The Bentley
> manual made no reference to using a gasket compound on the oil pan, so I
> took a gamble -- and lost.  The PO had already stripped out a thread,
> which
> I successfully repaired with a heli-coil, but I had no desire to attempt
> torqueing down the bolts any harder and repeating that mistake.
> Time for another oil change.
> I have Permatex 2, which I used on my transmission cover seal recently.
> Is
> this what I should use to seal the oilpan gasket as well?  What I DON'T
> want
> is to use something that's going to be a pain in the neck to scrape off,
> should I have occasion to remove the oil pan again someday.  If the
> Permatex
> 2 isn't the way to go, can someone suggest an alternative?   Thanks.
> Jeff in San Diego

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