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Re: Runability Troubles

To: "Mike Perry" <mikep@michindust.com>
Subject: Re: Runability Troubles
From: Dan Buettner <danb@thelittlemacshop.com>
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2000 17:21:28 -0600
If you changed nothing else, such as your timing, my suggestion would 
be to check your float levels; a float level a little too high would 
allow extra gas into the motor at idle, but might not at speed.


>Good Day....I hope everyone enjoyed their cars this weekend!
>I have been trying to nail down a problem with my Spit last fall, and, it
>appears this spring as well.
>After installing my dual HS4 setup, syncing the carbs (UNISYN) and checking
>the mixture (COLORTUNE), the car runs great, except when in stop and go
>traffic or after an extended idle.  It "feels" like it is flooding itself,
>and if I can stand the rough running and occasional backfire, it clears up
>in about 1/4 to 1/2 mile.  It will remain running nicely until I get back
>into the stop and go traffic.  In fact, it has never run better outside of
>this problem...no stalls, and no hesitation all the way through the rev
>I installed Gross Jets in place of the float needles, but that does not
>appear to have made a difference.
>Other potentially useful information:
>1296, low miles
>Dual HS4s, recently rebuilt (within 800 miles
>Monza Exaust
>Low restriction air filters (foam element type)
>Has anyone experienced anything similar?  Any help is appreciated.
>Mike Perry
>72 Spit

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